You Need A Lawyer After An Explosion Accident Or Injury
An explosion on the job or anywhere is often a catastrophic event. Besides property damage and widespread shock and fear, the explosion can injure and kill people in the vicinity. In an explosion at your workplace, you may have suffered:
- Burns
- Blunt force injuries
- Amputation
Or your loved one may have died in an explosion at a factory, gasoline station, construction site or any type of workplace. Our law firm helps family members obtain death benefits through workers’ compensation and in some cases, we can bring wrongful death claims against other entities besides the employer who shared responsibility for the accident.
Workers’ Compensation — Third-Party Liability Claims — Personal Injury Lawsuits
If your explosion injury took place on the job, you are likely eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits right away. Work with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney for best results. Personal injury lawyer Glenda Mitchell has devoted her entire career to helping injured people obtain maximum available compensation. Our dedicated staff enables the firm to provide responsive, personalized attention to every client.
If someone other than your employer was responsible for an explosion at your workplace, you may have a valid third-party liability claim.
Glenda Mitchell Law Firm also represents clients injured in explosions that took place in their private lives rather than at work.
Whatever the scenario, it is important to work with an injury law attorney beginning as soon as possible after an explosion. Valuable evidence pointing to the cause of the explosion is best gathered immediately afterward. Later, it may be much more difficult to find out why it happened. A timely, thorough investigation will enable your legal advocate to get your case underway and achieve maximum recovery with the greatest effectiveness and the least delay.
Suffered A Burn Injury In An Explosion At Work? Talk To A Lawyer.
You may request a free consultation through our convenient online intake form or make a phone call. For people injured in fires and explosions in Georgia, call our Cartersville office at 678-721-0417. For those in Alabama, call us at our Auburn office at 334-604-7927. For those in South Carolina, call us at our Greenville office at 864-326-3073. We offer home and hospital visits as necessary.