The early mornings and late afternoons in Georgia, as elsewhere, pose a specific challenge to drivers because these are the times when the sun is at its brightest. Driving in bright sunlight can increase one’s risk for a fatal car crash by 16 percent; the light can create visual illusion, hurt the eyes and impede driving in various other ways.
With the following safety tips, though, drivers can stay safe. The first step is to get in the habit of using the sun visors. These are designed to not hinder visibility and can effectively block the sun when it hits the front windshield and side windows. Drivers should also purchase a pair of sunglasses since these will reduce brightness and guard the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.
Next, drivers could consider getting tinting, a thin plastic film, placed over their windows. It’s a job that any specialty auto repair shop can handle for a few hundred dollars. All states have regulations limiting the amount of light that the tinting can block.
Drivers should only head out in bright sunlight when absolutely necessary, and even then, they might want to wait a few minutes until the sun has completely risen or set below the horizon. On the road, keep a safe distance from vehicles and stop driving if the sun begins to hurt the eyes.
Bright conditions can slow down reaction times, but this gives no excuse for drivers to be negligent. If negligence is behind a car accident, those who are injured through no fault of their own may be eligible for compensation. All they have to do is file a personal injury claim with the defendant’s auto insurance company, but they might benefit from hiring a lawyer beforehand. An attorney may be able to help with gathering proof, negotiating and, if it comes to it, litigating.