Different locations can raise different traffic safety issues. For example, during the school year, special safety concerns arise in school zones and along school bus routes. This is a particularly important point for Georgia motorists to keep in mind right now, as we’re at the time of the year where kids are returning to school after summer break.
As the school year has been getting off to its start, troopers with the Georgia State Patrol have been performing patrols in the above-mentioned areas to watch for whether drivers are acting responsibly and properly obeying the rules related to school zone and school bus safety. One wonders what impacts such patrols will have on the behavior of the state’s motorists.
How drivers act when they are in a school zone or in the area of a school bus route can have major ramifications for students. Among the things it can be important for Georgia motorists to do when driving in these areas are:
- Watch out for school buses.
- Watch out for kids who are walking to or from their school or their school bus.
- Be aware of and follow the rules for stopping for school buses.
- Avoid driving faster than is safe for the situation.
When drivers fail to do such things, terrible events could follow that could endanger the safety, and even the lives, of students. A student could end up being stuck by a car. Or a school bus accident could occur. Last school year, GSP troopers responded to 300 crashes involving school buses.
As this underscores, taking into account any special safety concerns present in the area they are driving is a very important thing for drivers to do. Auto accident attorneys can advise individuals or families who have been harmed by drivers who have failed to do this on what legal actions they could pursue.
Source: WALB News, “GSP patrols school zones, after 300 wrecks with injuries last year,” Ashlyn Becton, Aug. 11, 2017