Studies show that 65 percent of large truck accidents occur during long hauls. This means that the longer a Georgia trucker drives, the more likely they’ll get into an accident. Long road trips and a lack of rest are not a good combination, and truck drivers all over the U.S. are struggling with this scenario.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has stringent regulations limiting the number of hours a trucker can legally operate a vehicle. Due to the overall nature of the work, however, many truck drivers push themselves past their limits and try to compensate with stimulants. According to mandated driver testing, 2 percent of commercial truck operators fail due to drugs or alcohol every year, and random samples confirm that roughly 0.6 percent of truck drivers use narcotics like cocaine or methamphetamines. The drugs make things worse because they can mess with a driver’s ability to function normally. A host of dangerous side effects can occur in someone using stimulants to substitute for rest while operating a big truck.
Other drivers on the nation’s highways need to beware. In 2016, there were 3,986 fatalities resulting from large truck accidents. Of those, just 17 percent were from someone from inside the large truck. Passenger vehicles are no match in a wreck against a big truck, and the number of truck crashes per year is on the rise.
A motor vehicle accident with a big rig can have horrific consequences for everyone involved. When someone is faced with the outcome of a commercial vehicle accident, it might be beneficial to talk with a personal injury attorney. There will likely be an investigation, and police reports may be extensive. An attorney who understands the laws and regulations of commercial truck driving could be able to help a crash victim.